Sunday, October 12, 2008

We all belong to a group. Be it a project group, a group of your closest friends, or a group formed for social purposes, a group allows us to interact, and it meets our interpersonal needs for inclusion, control, and affection. Being in a group also helps people to open up and express their identity without no fear, because of the interdependence formed, and it also gives off a shared identity, which I believe is seen in bands, especially in their dressing.
Punk band The Ramones
Post-hardcore band Underoath

Indie rock band Death Cab for Cutie

new young pony club
New Rave band New Young Pony Club

motley crue crue fest
Heavy metal band Motley Crue

Notice how each group gives off a collective identity and how members of each group look somewhat identical, be it in their dressing or hairstyle. is a website portraying exaggerated stereotypes of people in the music scene.

Though groupthink refers to groups believing they can do no wrong in their actions, I feel that the symptoms of groupthink can be applied to a group's sense of dressing as well. Walk along the streets and we see groups with long-haired boys, groups with people dressed only in black, groups of people in flamboyant colours, groups and groups of people who look and act the same. Illusion of invulnerability tells them that they look good, and if a prospective member feels out of place, collective rationalisations convince him or her that the group identity is a good one. Now, if you find certain groups strange, don't go telling them how you feel because their shared stereotypes will deem them to see you as stupid and not knowing better.

But to each his own, I say. My group of friends and I have a lot of shared interests, and I believe friends have the ability to influence us in many ways, whether consciously or not. Think of you and your group of friends. What do you think your shared collective identity is? What are your common interests, and is there a particular style of dressing you share which you might even be unaware of?


Slize said...

How true it is that the group we hang out with influences our behaviours and dressing. Reading your blog, i just realized that the group that i often hang out with speak in a similiar way i do. We enjoy similiar slangs and jokes and we do dress alike in one way or the other. :)

bbbls said...
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bbbls said...

i'm not sure about a shared identity amongst me and my friends - i guess we do have one, but it's not something i consciously aware of and can identify easily, but i guess some common traits that we do share include the love for music, especially attending local gigs and shows, an affinity for good food and also spending time across the singapore river gazing at the stars and having conversations that last til dawn. honestly, the friends i've made with this "shared identity" are the ones i can foresee myself being friends with for a long, long time. classmates and schoolmates come and go, hardly making a lasting impression save for the occasional and somewhat obligatory meet-ups for dinner, but the ones i've somehow crossed paths and share lasting, mutual interests with are the ones i really treasure.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

my friends and i probably end up wearing the same type of clothes, though each in their own way and colour. it's not really something we're not aware of but it probably is due to the common interest my friends and i have.

Anonymous said...

i think the common identity my friend and i have are celebrities. most of us like the same television series or movies and our fashion style is influenced tremendously by it. i feel that to be in a "group" there is a subconcious need to have an identity so that the group is exclusive and sets members of the group apart from the everyone else. "everyone else" who is part of another group. basically everyone ends up different from each other but are so amazingly similar which makes the human race so imprefectly perfect.

Josh K said...

i like how you observe that clothes can define, influence and express people. perhaps it's also due to how certain brands market and portray themselves? makes me wonder if the media has shares in the clothing industry as well haha...

tencentscheap said...

its hard to see it when its an everyday thing, but it is evident. thats why sometimes when we people watch we judge people easily using stereotypes "those ah bengs" "these cheena indie kid poseurs" "emo kids" "immature teenagers" because after all, as inevitable as it is, everyone belongs to a stereotype.

i have 2 or 3 groups of friends. even if we dont dress the same we have the same thinking. the thing that defines us the most is the same type of humour. I dont think i can ever find other people from other groups that could find our humour funny. and because we just simply like each other's company, we dont ask for much but just a day of chilling out with no plans.

in a way i really feel like we are a group, because once i come and meet everyone, it feels like home.