Sunday, October 19, 2008

"You see for me, Jack Neo movies mostly are comedy. Without the comedy elements in, I think my audience isn't going to like it. When they pay the money, they go in. They just want to have a good laugh. At the same time, if they can catch some message there, then it's a bonus."

Watch a Jack Neo film and you'll see how it fulfills the media functions of entertainment (through injection of local humour) and surveillance (informing us of local issues). His films touch on issues like education, money, and the government, and repeated films that poke fun at the government make me wonder if his agenda is to hint at how the government is not all good, but at the same time, not offend them by subtly including government messages. It is true though, that as a gatekeeper of the media, he, like all movie directors, have the power to influence their audience. What are some movies which you think reflect a strong agenda of the director?

Other than setting agendas, the media also has the ability to indirectly cultivate attitudes in us. Sometimes, we don't even realise certain messages or implications these shows bring, until much later. There are so many stereotypes shown in movies, like how the busty blonde-haired chick is the bimbo and the bespectacled dark-haired boy is the geek. These stereotypes are cultivated and influence us gradually till we actually believe them subconsciously. If you were to meet someone fitting the image of a "busty blond-haired chick", would you be more inclined to see her as a bimbo or an intellectual? And, if she does show bimbotic tendencies, a "double dose" effect is created and your view of how busty blond-haired chicks are bimbos would be strengthened (even though that isn't the case), all thanks to the media.

Finally, can anyone explain why the Yellow Ranger is played by an Asian with "yellow" skin and the Black Ranger's played by someone with "black" skin?


Anonymous said...

well , i always thought that the power rangers were chosen because of their characteristics and skills . and not for the fact that they are "yellow" or "black" .
but since trini , there have not been any asian-american women yellow rangers and there was controversy surrounding the fact that an african-american was playing black ranger . as for me , i don't really bother about those things . so long as the show's good ! i miss mighty morphin power rangers :(

:-LauRie-: said...

movies do reflect the director's personality, if not, values or beliefs.
personally, i see it clearly &most distinctly in art films.

for eg.
A jihad for love:
Looking beyond a hostile and war-torn present, this film seeks to reclaim the Islamic concept of a greater Jihad, which can mean 'an inner struggle' or 'to strive in the path of God'. In doing so the film and its remarkable subjects move beyond the narrow concept of 'Jihad' as holy war.

The director is a gay muslim himself.
Speaks for itself doesnt it?

"The world is in need of such heroes" in different cultures.
What is taboo now will no longer be if people can choose to see beyong its literal meaning.

Anonymous said...

to answer your first question, the first person who came to mind is michael moore who has unabashedly criticized certain aspects of the society or government with his docu-movies, fahrenheit 9/11 and supersize me. he uses humour not to soften the blow of his commentary, unlike jack neo, but instead to underline his points by exposing the ridiculousness of the matters that he chose to explore through his movies.

Anonymous said...

In a country where there is a lack of freedom to openly voice one's views, some who choose to speak out use subtle means to prevent backlash.

Yes, it is true that stereotypes can influence us implicitly and not just explicitly. That said, the media is often criticized for perpetuating stereotypes. The ironic thing is that when they challenge them, they also receive much disapproval.

khai said...

i agree with the first comment though, i think that the insinuations from the colours of the rangers mightve gotten the producers into abit of trouble.

afterall kids might not notice the yellow=chinese, black=african american implications but it cld be subliminally ingrained in them.

but anyway i think the colours are suited to characteristics too. notice how pink=damsel in distress while yellow=tough even though both are female? red is always the jock and blue ranger is the brainiac.

weirdly enough tho, i thought rita repulsa was kinda cute.