Sunday, September 21, 2008

communicating through art.

My mother is not a fan of body art because her perception is that they're associated with gangsters, that having tattoos would imply that one is "bad'. This article I found shows how she's not the only one who thinks so.

"The poster is of a man, a former criminal, with a full-back tattoo. But are all tattooed men criminals or ex-criminals? Just because you have a tattoo you're bad?"

This paragraph speaks for me, and I think that the prejudice society has against tattoos is sad. I'm all for tattoos, and to me, tattoos are a type of non-verbal communication. There's no denying that we judge people from their physical appearance upon first contact, and other than the usual clothes, hair, and artefacts of a person that we pick up clues from, tattoos can say a lot as well. I like how tattoos are personal to each person, and how they all have a story to tell.

Angelina Jolie Know Your Rights Tattoo

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If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be, and why? If you already have one, what is your story?


Zed Ngoh said...

personally, i have nothing against tattoos or people who spot them. i have friends who spot simple ones from s small star on the foot to intricate designs which span the entire back.

but for myself, i will never get a tattoo, as i have never been a fan of doing things which cannot be undone. same reason why i don't drill holes or put nails in walls; i always use 3M double sided tape instead.

yes, it can be argued that technology is advanced enough that we can use laser to 'erase' the tattoos, but i've seen the effect, one can still see the blurry image where it once was.

lucas said...

it is indeed unfortunate that most of us have tattoos under our prototypes of a criminal. as you mentioned, most tattoos borne by a person tell a story. there are also some who simply like the intricacy of the art itself.

nothing against people who spot them too, but for myself, i too will not get something which can't be undone. after all, there are already so many things in life that are impossible to undo, why add more?

Sonia said...

"same reason why i don't drill holes or put nails in walls; i always use 3M double sided tape instead." this is funny. HAHA.

you and zed seem to have the same mindset! that makes sense, and in fact, i used to think the same, telling myself i'd stop at piercings since you can always remove a earring but not a tattoo. now, though, i'm leaning towards the "regrets are better than always wondering" mindset. do what makes you happy!

:-LauRie-: said...

I love tattoos. Absolutely nothing wrong with having them. With this i mean, perhaps just one or two. at the very most three.
(i dont have any though- low threshold for pain)

If i were to get one, it would be one of the Last Supper illustration.
Ive never connected so much with one black &white picture before.
Amazing! &then i'd have a story to tell.

k r i s t y . w said...

However, this prejudice is not unfounded. Last time, only the questionable people in society got tattoos: the gangsters, the mobs, the criminals, the social outcasts, the rebels. You get the idea. It cannot be helped that people still think of tattoos in that manner. It was, after all, just a generation ago that this stereotype was largely true still (My parents grew up in that era).

Perceptions take time to change. In time, it should be that tattoos will gain better favor with people, especially the new generation. Personally, I would never get a tattoo because I feel the act of putting ink under my skin is 'unsanitary' and invasive (one of my idiosyncrasies). But I would have nothing against beautiful artwork permanently etched on skin.

darren said...

well mine says 'many are called few are chosen' to remind me that alot of people can say they want something but not many people end up achieving it..

so every time someone asks me what it means, i get reminded of the reason i put it there, and it steels my resolve abit to a better person..

Anonymous said...

personally, i actually admire those who possess enough conviction and commitment to bear something of permanence on their bodies. fashions evolve and scars fade; it takes someone a substantial amount of courage to walk into a tattoo parlour and ask for an image or message that will last them til death as much of what we encounter in life is intrinsically transient. in view of this, if i ever were to get a tattoo i would like one of the phrase "this too shall pass" - somewhat ironically, something permanent to remind me of the transient nature of life, to offer a silver lining when facing hard times, and to encourage me to seize every moment and live life to the fullest.

Josh K said...

i would get a tattoo of a question mark. so when people ask me what it is about, i would shrug and say, 'i don't know'. haha honestly though, i wouldn't get a tattoo unless it's something that is really, really significant because a tattoo isn't really temporary (unless it is a temp one la; or like the henna watch i got on my wrist recently haha). have you got one sonia?!