Sunday, September 7, 2008

silence can say more.

Have you ever made eye contact with a stranger in a train?
Have you ever waved or smiled at someone from afar?

Non-verbal communication. It exists in daily life, whether consciously or not, and there are so many ways in which we communicate non-verbally. If you take a sender-based view of communication, you'd agree that things like a smile or frown communicate whether a person is having a good day or not. The way you approach someone (whether you give a handshake or a warm hug) communicates your level of closeness to a person or perhaps your personality. Non-verbal communication is even used in responses, such as shrugging to say "i don't know", giving a thumbs-up to show approval, or giving someone the finger when you're pissed off.

A few days ago, I watched this short film, and found it rather touching.
I like how the director managed to tell a story so beautifully without words, reaching out to us through the actions and expressions of the actors, and the use of music. Go watch it, it's only three minutes long!

You can tell the guy was interested in the lady from the slight shift of his head upon noticing her, and in the subsequent train scenes, the camera focuses on the guy staring. What it is he's staring at, we don't know, until the next scene shows the lady. Little scenes like that are very telling of what's happening, and in such cases, I think words, which are far more direct, would make the communication less exciting. Music is important in communication too, it tells you if the atmosphere's cheery, gloomy, or filled with suspense. Music communicates especially well during horror movies, when you hear melodic piano keys which give you chills or angry thrashing notes which make you jump in your seat.

We've all heard that "actions speak louder than words", and though I agree that words are definitely important for communication, I feel little actions really do say so much more sometimes. Another thing I like about non-verbal communication is that unless you're an excellent actor, it expresses the truth behind people's thoughts. One can always lie with words, but expressions are hard to hide.


Tburn. said...

A truely beautiful video clip. IT very eloquently depicts interest, a tinge of love, excitement, disappointment etc..all by non-verbal communication! With the absence of words we are able to focus more on the facial/body expressions..Maybe with words, our mental conceptions would have boundaries. That is why i feel the entry title is very apt for this video!

Zed Ngoh said...

let me share with you a scene i once observed: 2 man were walking their dogs. as the dogs passed, they started barking at each other. their owners made eye contact, but quickly shifted gaze as if the other of non existence.

moral of story: when the dogs met, they barked, be it friendly or hostile. the human being, evolved to all it's complexity, has chosen to ignore the most basic of gesture. doesn't that make them worse than dogs?

Unknown said...

It was a beautiful clip, thanks for sharing Sonia. It just goes to show how easily too, are our feelings manipulated through non verbal communication. Just like the guy in the train, when we catch a sneaky glance back from the other party, we may think that they are checking us out too.

And you brought up a good point too, about how it is difficult to hide our emotions through our actions. Although it can be done with much practice, involuntary body actions always give a person away.

Cosine said...

I think Music is a very important component when it comes to communication and this aspect is often neglected or has less emphasis as compared to verbal communication.

Music builds up the ambience and allows the audience to be able to see the themes more aptly. It puts the audience in the right frame of mind and in the right mood to receive the message that is being conveyed in movies.

These subtle components of communication come together to form a very beautiful piece of art.

Anonymous said...

That clip, was a beautiful depiction of emotions through non verbal communication. Every scene, every movement, every action, had a more deeper meaning to it. As Theebhan mentioned, the title is very appropriate. And also, with words you limit your thoughts..but non verbal communication limits noone, it sets no boundaries. A very nice post, with a very meaningful video.

Slize said...

First video of the day and im already filled with meanings and emotions. Pretty "sad" video with a tinge of regret.Both "connected" in a way (i would like to think that she like him too) with the guy obviously and happily feasting his eyes on her and the picture taking sessions from her allows us to interpret non-verbal meanings. In a sense, this whole video was appropriate for non verbal communucation, wherever in the video was there a need/chance to communicate except using gestures etc.The only progress was an attempt to post the camera back to her which is still a non verbal communication.

:-LauRie-: said...

Words. . . How much of the words we say everyday are words we truly mean?
Does it hold a considerable amount of weighted truth? Or are they words just because they are words?

There's something magical about non verbal communication that i cant seem to put my finger on.
It must be the unspoken yet understood thoughts, the connection, the right frequency &wavelength &most importantly, the beauty of facial expressions translated into words.

A hug &a smile brings about more warmth than words sometimes.

tencentscheap said...

Action speaking louder than words, its usually true.

sometimes, it feels like magic. somehow we have managed to teach ourselves body language of others by our own.

my first date with a boy was brought to its final climax when we were watching fireworks and he decided to hold my hand. for the first time. i've never felt that intimate and loved at the same time. we didnt have to say anything. but we were both smiling.

at times i also do think of it as the right person. the right person may not even be a close friend, thats why sometimes we can relate to a stranger looking back at us. a simple gesture can mean many things, so much more things can be said without words.